Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Transform and Compute

Transformers were one of my favorite toys as a kid, next to my Legos and Nintendo. It's a race car... and then it's a robot! It's a fighter jet... and then a robot! Sure they all have robot forms, they all transformed into something else, but there was something about making them go from one thing to another that was so much fun. As we grew up though, we grew out of playing with our old toys, and in this day in age, most "toys" are electronic and involve computers or gaming systems (Who hasn't played Halo with some friends after a movie night?). Now, I don't still play with transformers, though I had bought a transformer that was disguised as a cellphone last year to leave at work as a gag for those people who love to look through your phone while you are away, but I'm very interested with a new set of transformer toys that are going to be hitting the shelves in the next month or so at BigBadToyStore.com. Transforming computer peripherals!

Since the new movies have come out, we have seen transformer video games, new toys and even a special edition Camaro, but now Transformers are transforming into mice, USB drives, and USB hubs. These are real functioning devices that will make you the envy of your work place. Ravage and Tigatron are large cats that transform into 2gig thumb drives. Blaster transforms into a four port USB hub that looks like a laptop. Lastly there is Trypticon and Grimlock, USB laser mice that transform into raptors. Transformers that actually transform into something we can use! Now, if only they could dance in robot form for our entertainment...

Since these have yet to come out, I can only guess that these are not as great as say a Logitech mouse, but still have a pretty pricey tag of 40-60 dollars per item. But you aren't buying a thumb drive, you are buying a transformer that doubles as a storage device. You aren't paying for a mouse that is super comfy and comes with a 3 year warranty, you are buying a mouse that you can play with in your down time. Show your coworkers what they could be missing out on, and before you know it, there are four of you that are having mini battles while the boss is away at lunch! These just look too awesome to pass up. For those of you who are like me, who would like a transformer but don't want to be teased by your significant other, this is just the thing you need! They can even make great gifts for your kids (caution: may contain small pieces and pose a choking hazard to little kids) or for that friend of yours who could not stop talking about Megan Fox after seeing the new movie for the 6th time.

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